Cras Woodshop Evere

Contact us

Chaussée de Louvain 923
1140 Evere

Opening hours:

Monday - thursday: 8-12 am / 13-17pm
Friday 8-12 am / 13-15 pm

Summer holidays:

Cras Woodshop Evere will be closed from 26/07 until 15/08.

Steenhoudt becomes Cras Woodshops.

At the end of 2020, Cras Woodshops took over the activities of “Steenhoudt timber trade” in Evere. This makes the seventeenth branch of Cras Woodshops in Belgium a reality.

This takeover offers the timber trade and its customers many extra opportunities: since the takeover, you can buy a wider range of wood and board material and enjoy a more extensive service (extra treatments, etc.).

Curious? Click here for an overview of our full product range and activities.